One Year Ago: My Holy Cross Application Story

Hello again, all! First things first: I am simply dying to get back on campus for the second semester. I have had an outstanding time in Rochester for the past month, but this Sunday still cannot come soon enough. I am excited to see my friends and roommates, and I’ve gotten enough of a mental break to be refreshed and motivated for the upcoming semester.

It’s hard to believe, but tomorrow (January 15th) is the application deadline for Holy Cross. Again, congratulations to all students who have already submitted their applications. If you are uncertain about submitting an application, however, allow me share a few details regarding my application status on January 14th, 2018—exactly one year ago today:

A photo taken from the stands of a Holy Cross Men's Basketball game against Boston University
“I knew little to nothing about Holy Cross. My dad and I simply stopped by because we wanted to watch a Division I basketball game”

1 ) I knew little to nothing about Holy Cross. My dad and I simply stopped by because we wanted to watch a Division I basketball game.

2 ) I was seriously considering attending a larger, public university in my home state.

3 ) I actually spent the long car ride home from Worcester typing an application to an honor’s program at another college.


In short, I applied to Holy Cross essentially as an afterthought. I found the thought of attending college hours away from home preposterous, and I honestly had no idea if I was even a qualified applicant for such a prestigious school. How appropriate, then, that exactly one year later, I happen to stumble upon old photos from that afternoon basketball game in Worcester. One year ago, I never would have thought that I would later call Holy Cross my home. One year ago, I had not even begun my frantic, last minute application to the college.

Although it is extremely unlikely that any person shall read this particular post and subsequently submit a last minute application to Holy Cross, there is certainly a message I wish to convey: NEVER sell yourself short. I was a rather late bloomer in terms of having the confidence and ability to make my own college decisions, but had I not decided to try my luck in applying to Holy Cross, I cannot imagine where I might find myself today. In short, what’s the harm in trying?

Thank you for reading this week’s installment in my blog. Next time you hear from me, I will be comfortably settled on Mount Saint James once again. Until then!